Flooding – Getting More Information

  • Who should be doing what for you and the wider community
  • Where to get the best weather information
  • Where to check the water levels in the River Hart

Who (should) do what

View the local authority factsheet on flooding
The definition of which organisation and authority is provided by the Flood and Water Management Act (this is a DEFRA briefing on it)

This is a House of Commons Briefing Note on sewer flooding which is relevant to our local  situation.

Hart have their own emergency planning pages,with a wide range of useful information and contacts.


The following sources of weather information are well regarded:-

  • The MetOffice provides one of the best forecasts  (make sure you set it to the most local weather station – usually “Odiham”)
  • Accuweather has a real-time radar (include the past 30 minutes so you can gauge how fast rain is approaching), it works just like a Google Map
  • Crondall Weather (run by our own Neil Docker) provides a “nowcast” and historic data .  Neil’s system is so good it provides data to the MetOffice as part of their small observations scheme and he includes a whole host of additional and fascinating information!

Water Levels in the Hart

The water levels in the river Hart are monitored by the Environment  Agency at 2 locations:-

  • Well Road Pond, this is 84m AoD (Above Ordnance Datum)
  • Redlands Lane Bridge, this shows the river height with a base line that is claimed to be: 81m AoD, but comparison with the physical depth marker suggests the baseline (ie. height = zero) is more like 80.97m – it may be important as every centimetre counts!

The data from these 2 sensors is normally  collected every day (by remote access), but at times of high risk it’s collected more often.  It seems their solar-cell/battery based power systems limit such collections!

If you know of more useful sources of information that you’d like us to add, please let us know.

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